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You're asking how can you support us?  What we covet most here is prayer for God's blessings and favor upon, and the spiritual growth of, all whom He has called and chosen to be a part of the Bride whom the Father is fitly framing and shaping -- whom He will give with pleasure to Jesus Christ in a spiritually wonderful marriage  following His return. 

Your prayers for the guidance and health of those who provide the nightly watch program of news related to the Bible and Prophecy called ''Night-Cast.TV'' are also much appreciated.  These nightly news-watch webcasts as well as the annual and weekly Sabbath Service programs are provided via the Internet as a voluntary service to brethren scattered worldwide by an ordained minister of Jesus Christ for the Philadelphia era, functioning under the lead of Jesus Christ, as a corporate sole, completely independent of any group or groupee organizational affiliation for the present time of distress and  scattering.

''Your work shows that you believe in the Church of God -- Where is the true Church of God today?''  I get asked this question a lotGod's Word says that the Church is YOU and all other brethren and ministers whom God has called and chosen and who, as a spiritual organism, are led by God's Spirit.  What the Church is NOT! -- The Church is not a building, not an organization.  We understand that no man of those who have remained faithful, has been given the baton of leadership over the entire Body, the whole Church.  We also understand that the baton (of Pastor Generalship, not Apostleship) was last given purposefully by God to one whom God believed would likely and did in fact become an apostate of the teachings of truth that God gave to us by and through His dedicated and faithful Apostle for these latter days, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the Apostle Herbert.  The Body of Christ is now scattered abraod until Christ shall re-gather us.  He instructed us to watch and pray.
Your prayers will also be appreciated that God will reveal to all of us when He and each of us individually or collectively with Him are ready to perform the work that God inspired Mr. Armstrong to say through Aaron Dean will be  -- ''a greater work yet to be done.''

Your prayers with the above in mind will be most appreciated.  Very good you say -- but what should I do with my tithe money, people ask me.  One suggestion is that you read the booklet entitled ''Ending Your Financial Worries'' and pray over what you see there and with fasting ask God to guide and lead you.  This ministry is committed to following God's lead in making a hearty effort to serve brethren who desire access to a minister who is faithful to that which God restored and taught us by and thru His most faithful end-time Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA). 

Your prayers will also be appreciated for guidance and wisdom in how to best assist and serve those whom God might yet call and choose to be part of the Fruitfruits of His Spring Harvest.  The main thing that this ministry presently does, in addition to a providing a live stream of weekly and annual Sabbath Services and the annual Passover Footwashing Service is a much-effort Work in providing a nightly program of the curruent up-to-the-minute news of the day's events and happenings in a program that relates it to the Bible & Prophecy

Your tithe money -- or God's tithe money?  If after reading this and after prayer with fasting, you believe that God has led you to send your offerings to help support this Ministry of Jesus Christ and the particular Work that you see being done here, and you want an address where you can send your offerings and His tithes to God, then read on.  If you have come to believe that God is leading you to irrevocably put His tithe and your offerings here now for this Work,  then visit the  ''Contact Us'' page for our mailing address.  If you are wanting to send support and you need to do it by credit or debit card because you don't use a checking account, please send an email explaining that and we'll reply with information that will allow you to use your credit or debit card.  Our email addresses are also on the ''Contact Us'' page -- and you're welcome to use that email address to ask ANY question of concern that you might have.
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